Monday, December 19, 2016

To be Censored, or Not to be Censored

     There are many theories and ideas behind Mark Twain's work in "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" and what the original intent of the piece was. Truly, it depends upon the individuals personal perception and how closely they decide to look into it. An ongoing and popular conspiracy is whether or not Twain censored (or should have censored) his writing and the effect that decision had on the plot of the novel.
     As mentioned in "Love and Judgment in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" by Timothy Peltason, this criticism piece examines how reliable the novel is as it focuses in what may have been the reason for Twain's "censorship". It argues that he is in denial due to "a guilty cultural past" therefore it reflects on his writing as he attempts to avoid the darkness behind slavery. Although a valid point, it seems as if Twain does the opposite as he does portray both the hardships as well as the idea that African-Americans are people are just like anyone else. I don't believe the writing is censored but more focusing on the topic that was lesser known during the time period, every knew and saw African-Americans as property opposed to actual human beings. Twain sheds light on this concept through Huck as he reveals how kind and considerate Jim is as a character which soon causes him to create a relationship with him and no longer calling him things like "slave" and "N****r". Jim and Huck seem to even create a father-son relationship in the sense that both of them care for and protect each other.
     It would be very unbeneficial for the author to exclude such things in order to deprive students from hearing or being knowing of the subject. This is history and telling as is expands knowledge and promotes change so that history as evil as this one doesn't repeat itself. As Huck evolves as a character, Twain may be promoting a similar change in societal views towards African-Americans.

Image result for jim from huckleberry finn


  1. I agree with what you said about censorship because I also believe that censorship can only be harmful.

  2. I agree with you and believe that the novel serves as a history lesson for the past. It helps to establish the culture and beliefs of the time and I think that something as true as that cannot be faked. It would be wrong to censor such a masterpiece.
