Everyone seems to feel a little intrigued to lie. Whether it's as small as telling your parents that you completed your homework when you had yet to do it, or something so big as pleading your innocence when you're the one that committed the crime. What really makes people feel the need to be dishonest? An article from Today explains how and when people began lying and what their intentions behind it are. Children learn to avoid punishments by straying from the truth, and when they realize how easy and effective it can be, it because more frequent, or you may even say that it develops into a habit. Even teens and adults today lie so that they can avoid doing things or receive unwanted consequences for their wrong doings. Many others also lie because they want to establish and pertain their self image. Everyone wants to be likeable and this theory has developed that you need to be a certain way to fit in, especially in high school. People will lie about who they hang out with because their friends may no be considered cool enough, or act like a stuck up kid claiming they have this glamorous life when in reality, their life isn't that spectacular, but who can blame them? Everyone has this wanting to to fit in. What makes lying so easy, according to Dan Ariely, a guest speaker on TED talk, "When we see them [others] cheating, we feel as if it's more appropriate..to behave this way". Seeing others engage in this kind of behavior makes it seemingly more excepted and easier on yourself conscience to cheat or lie.
Personally, I think there are certain circumstances where lying is appropriate. It can be a beneficial skill when you try to spare someones feelings are someone asks you a personal questions that you felt should not be answered. Avoiding nonideal conditions that aren't going to hurt you or you self conscience in anyway can make your dishonesty come into use.
Think about how often you lie, do you always bad intentions?
Really liked how you pointed out the possible benefits to lying. That being said, it is definitely a dangerous tool. When Elizabeth lied about John Proctor's lechery, it ended up being the final nail in his coffin. Even though she was lying to avoid an uncomfortable situation, it still had dire consequences. The line between good lie and bad lie is so clouded I feel it is hard to truly differentiate in the moment and only time is able to tell.